What I Found After Installing CCTV at My Hardware After 2 Days Will Shock You Forever- James Otieno Exposes This

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    What I Discovered After Installing CCTV at My Hardware Will Shock You Forever- James Otieno Exposes

    Hello, my name is James Otieno and I run a hardware store in Witeithie ward, Kiambu county. I have been in this business for over 10 years and I have always enjoyed serving my loyal customers. However, something happened recently that changed my life and my perspective on the people around me.

    It all started when I noticed a decline in my sales and customer traffic. I was puzzled and worried because I had not changed anything in my store or my prices. I wondered if there was a new competitor in the area or if the economy was affecting people’s spending habits. I decided to do some research and find out what was going on.

    I asked some of my regular customers why they had stopped coming to my store. They told me that they had heard rumors that my hardware was cursed and that anyone who bought anything from me would suffer bad luck or misfortune. I was shocked and angry to hear this. Who would spread such lies about me and my business? I had never done anything wrong to anyone and I had always treated my customers with respect and honesty.

    James Otieno

    I decided to install CCTV cameras around my store to see if I could catch the source of these rumors. I hoped that it was just a prank or a misunderstanding that I could clear up. I was not prepared for what I saw on the footage.

    One night, after I had closed my store and gone home, I saw a woman approach my store. She was wearing a long black cloak and a hood that covered her face. She looked around to see if anyone was watching and then she took off her cloak. To my horror, I saw that she was wearing only her inner wears underneath. She had a bucket of water and a small bag in her hands.

    She walked to the front of my store and poured some water on the ground. She then took out something from her bag and buried it in the wet soil. She muttered some words that I could not hear and then she put on her cloak and left.

    I was stunned and terrified by what I had just witnessed. What was she doing? What did she bury in front of my store? Was she trying to curse me and my business? I replayed the footage several times and I zoomed in on her face. I could not believe my eyes when I recognized her.

    She was my fellow business woman who owned a hardware store across the street. I had known her for years and we had always been friendly and supportive of each other. We had even shared tips and advice on how to run our businesses. Why would she do this to me? What did I ever do to her?

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    James Otieno

    I decided to confront her the next day and ask her what she was up to. I went to her store and I showed her the CCTV footage on my phone. She turned pale and tried to deny it. She said that it was not her and that someone had edited the video to frame her. She said that she had nothing to do with the rumors and that she was not trying to harm me or my business.

    I did not believe her. I told her that I knew it was her and that I had proof. I asked her what she had buried in front of my store and what it was supposed to do. She broke down and confessed. She said that she was jealous of me and my success. She said that she had hired a witch doctor to help her ruin my business and drive away my customers. She said that she had buried a charm that was supposed to make people afraid of my store and make them buy from her instead.

    She begged me to forgive her and to remove the charm. She said that she was sorry and that she had made a mistake. She said that she would never do it again and that she would stop the rumors. She said that she hoped that we could still be friends and business partners.

    I was disgusted and furious. I told her that she was no friend of mine and that she had betrayed me. I told her that I would not forgive her and that I would expose her to the public. I told her that she had to face the consequences of her actions and that she had to pay for what she had done.

    I left her store and I went to the police station. I showed them the CCTV footage and I filed a complaint against her. I also contacted the local media and I told them my story. I wanted everyone to know what she had done and how she had tried to destroy me and my business.

    The news spread like wildfire and soon everyone was talking about it. People were shocked and outraged by her behavior. They condemned her and praised me for being brave and honest. They apologized for believing the rumors and they returned to my store. They said that they trusted me and that they would support me. They said that they would never buy anything from her again and that they would boycott her store.


    A mature African-American man in his 40s standing outdoors by the driveway of his home, smiling at the camera with his arms crossed.

    She was arrested and charged with malicious damage to property and fraud. She faced a possible jail term and a hefty fine. She lost her reputation and her business. She lost everything.

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    I was relieved and happy. I had cleared my name and my business. I had exposed her and her evil deeds. I had justice and peace. I had everything.

    This is what I discovered after installing CCTV at my hardware. It shocked me forever and it changed my life. I hope that it will also shock you and make you think twice before you trust anyone. I hope that it will also teach you to be honest and fair in your dealings. I hope that it will also inspire you to work hard and succeed in your endeavors.

    How Mugwenu Doctors Used Business Customers Attraction Spells to Help James Otieno

    Business customers attraction spells are a type of magic that aims to increase the sales and profits of a business by drawing more clients and customers to it. They usually involve using herbs, oils, candles, charms, and incantations to create a positive and inviting energy for the business and to ward off any negative influences or competitors.

    James Otieno was a hardware store owner who needed such spells desperately. His business was suffering because of a rival business woman who had cursed his store and spread rumors about him. She had buried a charm in front of his store that made people afraid and avoid his products. She had also hired a witch doctor to cast spells against him and his business.

    James was losing customers and money every day. He did not know what to do or who to trust. He decided to seek help from Mugwenu Doctors, a group of traditional healers who specialized in business customers attraction spells. He had heard good things about them and he hoped that they could reverse the curse and restore his business.

    He contacted them and explained his situation. They agreed to help him and they told him to come to their office with some items. They asked him to bring a picture of his store, a business card, a chocolate coin, and a jar of honey. They also told him to wear green clothes, the color of prosperity.

    James Otieno

    James did as they instructed and he met them at their office. They welcomed him warmly and they led him to a room where they had prepared an altar. They asked him to place his items on the altar and they lit some candles and incense. They then performed a ritual that involved chanting some words and sprinkling some herbs and oils on the items. They told James to focus on his business goals and to visualize his store being full of customers and money.

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    They then gave him a talisman that they had made from the picture of his store and the business card. They told him to wear it around his neck and to keep it close to his heart. They also gave him a bottle of oil that they had blessed and infused with herbs. They told him to apply it on his store’s door and windows every morning and evening. They said that these items would protect him and his store from any evil and that they would attract more customers and money to him.

    They also told him that they had removed the charm that the rival business woman had buried in front of his store and that they had broken the spells that the witch doctor had cast against him. They said that they had sent back the negative energy to the source and that they had made the rival business woman suffer the consequences of her actions. They said that she would lose her business and her reputation and that she would regret her actions.

    They charged James a reasonable fee for their services and they wished him good luck and success. They told him to contact them if he needed any more help or advice. They also told him to be honest and fair in his business dealings and to work hard and smart.

    James thanked them and he left their office feeling hopeful and confident. He went back to his store and he applied the oil on the door and windows. He also wore the talisman around his neck and he kept it close to his heart. He opened his store and he waited for the customers.

    Stephene Mule

    A black man explains during a past media interview

    He did not have to wait long. Soon, he saw a stream of customers coming to his store. They were eager and happy to buy from him. They praised him and his products and they recommended him to their friends and family. His sales and profits soared and he regained his success and happiness.

    He was grateful to Mugwenu Doctors for their help and he thanked them for their service. He also exposed the rival business woman and her evil deeds to the public. She was arrested and punished by the law. She lost her business and her dignity. She apologized to James and he forgave her.

    James continued to run his store with honesty and integrity. He also continued to use Mugwenu Doctors’ services to maintain and improve his business. He was a happy and successful hardware store owner once again.

    Contact Mugwenu Doctors  Via:


    Location:  Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda & Africa

    Consultation Fee: $30 or Ksh 3,000

    Phone Number+254 740 637 248

    Email: mugwenudoctors@gmail.com

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    robert dederobert dede
    07:23 28 Sep 24
    Good job. You helped me get my wife back.
    Margaret WanjalaMargaret Wanjala
    12:58 26 Sep 24
    I am deeply appreciative of the time and resources dedicated to my case.thanks so much mugwenu doctors
    Humphry KigikaHumphry Kigika
    05:47 23 Sep 24
    Thank you Doctor, you helped me a lot, my wife came back with the children
    05:32 23 Sep 24
    He helped me alot.i get back my stollen properties.thanks alot mugwenu doctors.
    Valerie MulaaValerie Mulaa
    18:39 22 Sep 24
    Thanks for helping me get back my husband. i love him so much. he gives me money nowadays. asante sanaaa
    Silverstain MukagwaSilverstain Mukagwa
    07:36 22 Sep 24
    Hello Mugwenu Doctor, your spell worked like I really wanted. The ceremony I did was a great moment! I felt an incredible energy enveloping me when I did it! I can’t believe this really happened after all the bad experiences I had with spell casters. Thank you very much Mugwenu Doctors!” – Lorene vuguza
    Cynthia MutindiCynthia Mutindi
    06:48 22 Sep 24
    Thanks to Mugweno Doctors.You helped my father who was in ICU For 14 days without doctors finding any disease. now He is healed and healthy
    Chief ChiefChief Chief
    13:29 21 Sep 24
    I had given up on ever getting help, until someone recommended me to Daktari. Thank you for being there for people like us
    Nicholas KavitaNicholas Kavita
    09:51 20 Sep 24
    I had a great experience with Mugwenu Doctors. They are very professional and helpful. Their services were effective and delivered with care. Highly recommend to anyone seeking traditional healing methods. Five stars for their dedication!"


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