Traffic Police Attacked By Bees Along Thika Road After Unlawfully Taking a Bribe from This Woman as New Details Emerge

My name is Oscar Obiri, a traffic officer with the Kenya Police Service in Nairobi. It is true that bribery is rampant within the police force and I can attest that I too practice the vice. Along Thika road is my usual posting, with the occasional call up to join forces around Muthaiga. A lady called Miriam Makau sent shivers down my spine recently when the impossible happened.

I stopped her on her way to Kahawa and as usual, expected her to wither to my pressure and give me a bribe of at least Kshs. 30,000. I must admit, there wasn't much that was wrong with her car. She had all the documents, drove carefully and within the required speed limit. But, I wanted money and was determined to use everything at my disposal to make it look like she had broken every rule in the Traffic department.

She insisted that she didn't have cash. I gave her a....CONTINUE READING

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