Embarrassing moments were experienced in Embu town following an incident where a rogue pastor was caught philandering with …
Embarrassing moments were experienced in Embu town following an incident where a rogue pastor was caught philandering with …
Enraged wife walked into a restaurant and rained slaps and kicks to a man who was later confirmed …
An eyewitness narrated how someone’s wife in Nairobi city was arrested by police for having open sex at …
Never trust a woman. My wife has been doing it with her own pastor and this I confirmed …
Have you ever heard that a man can come home with another woman and chase his wife away …
My name is Phanice. This is not the first time I am talking about this, I narrated it …
Men who were armed with machetes and planning to go and harm someone were flagged down and arrested …
There is this rich boy who just left campus the other day and in a matter of a …
Randy man was caught with a hot side chic who had been admitted in a Malindi facility over …
There was witnessed a long standstill moment in Bungoma County during the weekend after a man was busted …