Fresh Details Emerge About the Ladies Branded Pishori Babes and the Mystery Surrounding the Fall of Many Kenyan Tycoons

“I stared into her eyes; she was pretty. She then pulled my head gently and slammed my face into her boobs. It felt nice; it got me in the mood, but a few minutes later, I started feeling dizzy; that is all I can remember.”

It was a sad day for a renowned sugar baron in Western Kenya after he lost his vehicle, a new model Toyota Harrier, to night girls, popularly known as mchele babes or pishori babes.

Dan Wafula was having a good time in a bar when some ladies approached him, struck up a conversation and even suggested they were ready to give him bedroom goodies after he buys them drinks and some food.

The duo, however, ended up stupefying him in a very unusual way. They used their breasts to snare and stupefy him.

“One of them, the most beautiful one, took out what looked like cologne, sprayed it on her chest and said she wanted me to get the sweet smell during ‘action’. She then pulled me closer, holding my head with both hands. I stared into her eyes; she was pretty.

She then pulled my head gently and slammed my face into her cleavage. It felt nice; it got me in the mood, but a few minutes later, I started feeling dizzy; that is all I can remember,” the businessman narrated.

He says when he came around, he found himself on a hospital bed, hooked on an IV line, while his wife and kids stared at him
“When I regained consciousness, I was in a hospital bed, they had stolen my vehicle, withdrawn money from my bank account and M-Pesa and also fled with my two expensive phones, I was done,” he narrated.

He added:
“I didn’t know what to do, I thought they were just good friends; little did I know that they were call girls who drug men and steal from them; they looked innocent and beautiful.”

His wife, who understood her hubby’s behaviours, contacted Mugwenu Doctors to seek a permanent solution.
Mugwenu helped recover the vehicle, which was recovered in Nakuru. The ladies, who were travelling to Nairobi in the vehicle to go vandalise it for parts, were relaxing in a hotel before proceeding to their destination, but it was cut short when they started wailing and almost running mad.

They were also attacked by bees, which almost killed them, attracting a scene.
Police officers later arrived and arrested them; they were relieved from the pain after Mugwenu Doctors visited the scene and confirmed that the car and phones had been recovered.

Though the women had spent part of the money to fuel the car and buy expensive things, the phones and car were found in good shape, all thanks to the spells Mugwenu Doctors cast to catch the thieves.

Have you been robbed, or has your property been taken unfairly or stolen from you by a friend, spouse, or enemy? Don’t waste time. Mugwenu Doctors are here to help you recover your lost property.
A few days ago, a woman in Eldama Ravine experienced a mysterious pregnancy and gave birth to air after she was rushed into the labour ward.

It later emerged that the powerful spells from Mugwenu Doctors were working on her. The woman had organised a robbery at her church. The thieves she was working with made away with music systems.

It was during the mysterious labour that she confessed what she did and was handed to authorities, leading to the recovery of stolen goods, all thanks to Mugwenu Doctors.
Mugwenu Doctors’ spell-casting powers take effect within 24 hours, often on the same day they’re cast.

They address a variety of general issues, from winning court cases and lotteries to protecting family and property and even predicting the future with pinpoint accuracy.

For assistance with life’s challenges, including love issues, family problems, and business hardships, contact herbalist Mugwenu.

They aim to enhance your luck in lottery games and court cases, help you secure promotions and pay rise at work, and dispel malevolent spirits and dreams.
Mugwenu Doctors uphold strict doctor-patient confidentiality. Patients’ records, identities, or secrets are not shared with third parties or made public unless the patient chooses to give a testimony.
You can find Mugwenu Doctor’s offices in Majengo town, Vihiga County, in Western Kenya.

Click here to find more spells and services offered by Mugwenu Doctors.

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