Popular Kenyan Pastor Reveals How He Has Been Helping Many Kenyan Ladies Get Children, Informs Why He Loves Night Kesha's

Popular Kenyan Pastor has narrated hiw he has been helping many Kenyan ladies get children as new details emerge.

Speaking live on TV, the pastor who has been on the record saying "Mungu husaidia walo jisaidia" has saud that first and foremost he loves administering his Followers during night Kesha's and that he has made his church his daily job.

The pasto has however shockingly said that "During my ministration, I have been able to help my followers and new members who later transform to my followers solve serious life challenges starting with Lack of Money, Lack of Jobs, Lack of Children, Lack of Staɓle Marriages and Chasing Demons Away."

Asked to explain how he manages it the Pastor has not hesitated to say that "I have been inviting my followers for private meeting after the church service who have above mentioned problems and through this, we call Dr Mugwenu via his number 0740637248 and after which he performs his spells and all their problems are solved."

"Through Dr Mugwenu's Pregnancy Spells, we have managed to help over 30 of my female followers get babies, and through his Herbal medicine like Omushalazi have helped many men followers heal their manhood problems," he has added.

In his statement, the pastor has said that Dr Mugwenu is always there to help him service his followers and those able to call him have not hesitated since his number is clear on the public domain its 0740637248.

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