Househelp Picks a Fight With The Boss In Nyayo Estates After a Dirty Text Message is Seen on Her Phone

I heard a fight ensue in my neighborhood at night and when I listened carefully I realized they were my neighbors quarreling and fighting. It was a bitter exchange.

I went to see what exactly was happening and found that the wife to my neighbour had just learnt that her mboch(housewife) was impregnated by husband who kept her secretly in a rented premises somewhere in town.

The wife to Jackson went wild that night after she leant of this through a text message she had encountered in the husband’s mobile phone that night.

The text read in part, “Honey you are mine forever know that… I have your child. You did that because I am sweeter and cleaner than your wife.....CONTINUE READING

I could not continue listening further after the wife said that the next message read that...CONTINUE READING

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