Sadistic Step-Mother Who Tortured Kids Now In Hot Water As They Come Back Years Later To Exact Revenge "She Fed Us Human Waste, Cut Off Our Fingers As Punishment"

Merlin Okumu and his two little brothers had to endure the worst of motherhood. Their step-mother ruled with an iron fist, as they struggled to understand exactly what she was up to. Merlin couldn't tell if she was being hard on them or actually plotting to kill them.

Merlin recounts waking up one day and being told that their father had perished. All Kemunto could tell them was, a lion attacked their father by the roadside and snapped his neck. She declined for them to attend his funeral or mention his name in the house after that.
He recalls losing a finger for coming home late, being forced to feed on human waste, sleep outside the house tied to a tree for minor childhood mistakes. His step-mother had no listening ear, they were to be quiet, not to be heard and obey everything she says.

"That woman is not human. She is a very sadistic person, incapable of human emotion or empathy. We slept hungry so many nights. She occasionally just boiled water, with nothing in it, and left us waiting for food until we fell asleep. She had this weird habit of chopping off the legs of her chickens, just to laugh when they struggle to walk and run on one foot. She once poured acid on my brother Kevin's arm, for stealing a cassava. He was starving, but demanded that he suffer the consequences".

Merlin and his brothers ran away at night, after they saw her sharpening a knife, to punish them for eating two of her chickens. They had no choice, as she hadn't cooked anything for three days. Kelvin was already crying, on an empty stomach by then, and as the older brother, he took a calculated risk and did what he could to feed him. He knew that the knife was being prepared for them, so he gathered them in silence and asked them to run for their life.

An old lady found them the next day, blistered and hungry in a shackle. They had no one, knew no one as the step-mother forbade them from talking to anyone. The lady took them in, got them in school and later gave them her small piece of land to inherit. She died a decade later, but only after doing everything to protect them. Now, all grown up, they traced their step-mother to a small piece of land by the river, where she lived alone, still with one-footed chickens.

"We hatched a plan and put it in motion. The best course of action, we agreed, was to use Dr. Mugwenu's powerful spells. I found him online, and know that his Revenge spells work like magic".
Kemunto is now crippled, due to an attack by a hungry crocodile, who consumed one leg in full and half of the other alongside an arm. She is beggar in Nyaribari Chache, dragging her old bones begging for a living. She got exactly what she deserved, as Merlin and his brothers found success, eventually. Thanks to Dr. Mugwenu, the direction is now forwards, to the promised land of peace, prosperity and abundance.
Call or WhatsApp Dr. Mugwenu on 0740637248 for further insights and consultations.

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Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one's life such as obstacles, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

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Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate foretelling of one's future."

Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

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He heals pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness etc.
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Here the updated as you have requested on my situation. I have had amazing things happen during the first week of my casting. Jason has done a 360 and is now talking with me and wanting to spend time with me again.

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 "My neck doesn't hurt any more"

I am forever grateful for your help, kindness and patience with me. The pain I was feeling in my neck left the way you promised and I don't feel all that negative energy around me and the black magic I don't feel it anymore. You are the best! Thank you thank you, thank you, a thousand times

Christopher Mumanyi

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After all the spell-casters I tried before, you were my last chance, and you kept your promise! My wife wrote me such a touching letter last week! She wants to live with me and the kids again! I really feel I'm living again! Thank you for making all this possible!

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