Graduate Shares Secret he Used to Get KSh 50k CDF Bursary

A student at Maseno University has graduated with a degree in computer science despite a hard life as a student.

Saitabao is a bright student, but poverty wedged all odds against him. In his first year at the university, he was lucky to get a sponsor who paid all his fees.

Unfortunately, the sponsor died a month before Saitabao got to the second year. Things became different.

His parents had to scavenge, they sold their only three animals to raise the fee. They managed the first semester fees but he could not even afford transport, food and accommodation.

Life continued like that. He missed some exams and this was registered as missing marks. This is usually a disqualification in most exams and one cannot graduate with missing marks.

He started cooking mandazi to try to raise some income. He enrolled for a work study programme but the fee was just too much. Second year, third year were horrible for him.

“I had to share a single room with five other students and sleep on the floor. Getting even the cheapest meal at the cafeteria was a problem. Sometimes it was the dean of students who would write me a letter so that I eat for free,” Saitabao said.

Fourth year was the same case. Five months before the end of his academic year, he contacted one of his distant aunts who is dealing in a meat business in Nairobi. He was requesting for some pocket money.

The aunt inquired about the progress of his studies, she was saddened, she quickly knew Saitabao might not graduate. “I sent him KSh 2000, but I decided to help him more. Since Mugwenu Doctors had helped me when my meat business was doing badly, I had faith they would come through.

I explained to Mugwenu Doctors the situation of my distant nephew. I told them that the boy was bright and had passed most of the papers. It was not his wish to have failed just a few and got two missing marks. It was all because of poverty,” the woman explained.

Mugwenu Doctors understood the situation and intervened; they cast a lucky spell and also provided the student with a charm to help him with his remaining papers.
Since Mary Mutola’s meat business had started to do better, thanks to business prosperity spells from Mugwenu Doctors, she paid part of his fees and promised to take care of graduation costs.

A week after the lucky spell was cast, more good things started to unfold. A bursary he had applied in Kilgoris gave him KSh 50,000, an extraordinary amount. This was the first time he was getting the allocation despite trying eight times within four years.
This helped sort out his KSh 46,000 fee balance.

He did his last exams and to his dismay, his name was listed among students who had graduated with second-class upper honours.
He graduated on Friday, December 15. His graduation is a testament to the many people Mugwenu Doctors continue to help across East Africa.

The herbalists have promised that the lucky spell will also help Saitabao secure his first job in just a few weeks, and as usual, we shall let you know once this comes to pass.

What are business spells?

Not long ago, Mugwenu Doctors helped a Kisumu couple with a baking business to bounce back to profitability after an incident saw them register a loss. A human finger was discovered in a cake they delivered at a wedding in Nyamasaria.

This was a sabotage by one of their employees who was lured by a business rival to put the finger in the cake. Mugwenu Doctors exposed the person, and the couple are back in business with force.

See your enemies in dreams

Mugwenu Doctors also recently exposed a Nairobi trader who has been putting Viagra in uji power.

This was brought to light after another trader who uses Mugwenu’s spells to see enemies in dreams had a vision of the rogue woman doing the indecent act, and this led to her arrest.

How to destroy effects of evil eye

Elsewhere, a Meru family that had been tormented by evil eye that had also turned their daughter into a lesbian can now breathe a sigh of relief after Mugwenu Doctors helped destroy the effects of the black eye. The couple is happy again.

Spells for jobs

Last but not least, a man from Uasin Gishu is now the president’s right-hand man in the affordable housing sector.
Despite his troubled past and poverty, the president heard his story, courtesy of intervention from Mugwenu Doctors and appointed him to the affordable housing task force.

Do Mugwenu Doctors have spells to release prisoners?

Spell for release of prisoner helps free someone who is imprisoned. Mugwenu Doctors recently helped secure the freedom of this man who was wrongfully jailed following a false rape testimony.
The spell from Mugwenu Doctors made the victim to confess to court authorities that her mother made her lie and the convict was freed.

Can Mugwenu Doctors help you pass exams?

Do you want to achieve your academic dreams like Saitabao? Do you need a lucky spell or a charm to help you pass your exams or overcome any other challenges in your education?
Don’t let poverty or missing marks stop you from graduating. Contact Mugwenu Doctors today and get the best traditional and spiritual solutions for your problems.
Website: Mugwenu Doctors
Phone: +254740637248.
Mugwenu Doctors are the best in East Africa and they have helped thousands of people like you. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Call or visit them now and change your life for the better.