“Nikiingiza, I will be connecting you to the real of spirits from above. Nikimwaga, holy spirit uses that route to enter you and your troubles will end and blessing follow you.” Residents of Malaba Town were treated to unexpected drama when a popular local pastor was caught red-handed with a married woman, believed to be …
“Nikiingiza, I will be connecting you to the real of spirits from above. Nikimwaga, holy spirit uses that route to enter you and your troubles will end and blessing follow you.”
Residents of Malaba Town were treated to unexpected drama when a popular local pastor was caught red-handed with a married woman, believed to be one of his church members, in a lodging where they were committing adultery.The man of God identified as Apostle Maiyo, ministers in a church in Busia.
He is said to have lured many women in his church into his trap through strange prophecies. Some of his victims claimed that the pastor told them the Holy Spirit would be transferred to them from him if they engaged in intimate acts.However, his day of reckoning came when one Mzee Ombima sought the services of Mugwenu Doctors after suspecting his wife of having an extramarital affair. The native doctor unleashed his spell and provided Ombima with a concoction to introduce into his wife’s bathing water.
In less than a week, Ombima received a call from an unknown person in Malaba, informing him that his wife was stuck in a lodging with a popular pastor.”At first, I thought maybe I had misunderstood something. I called that number again, but I was urged to rush there. I later found out it belonged to one of the administration police officers called in by the lodging’s management to handle the situation,” he said.Adding:”My wife started behaving strangely. She was no longer the caring woman I knew and began disrespecting me.
That’s when I started suspecting she was having an affair, but I never imagined it could be her pastor, as that man is highly respected and trusted by so many as a true man of God,” he narrated.
The pastor was made to pay heavily before they were separated. He has since vanished from the town and has not been seen in his church. Ombima is yet to forgive his wife, whom he says he trusted for years.Are you suspecting your partner of having an extramarital affair? This is your time to confirm your fears. Contact Mugwenu Doctors to clear your doubts.
Is your business failing? Rather than let the idea die, try changing the situation. Consult Mugwenu Doctors today to transform your business and give it another chance at life.Mugwenu Doctors say their spell-casting powers are effective within 24 hours, often on the same day they’re cast. They address a variety of issues, from winning court cases and lotteries to protecting families and properties, as well as providing accurate future predictions.
Many individuals who have sought help from Mugwenu Doctors report receiving potent healing.For consultations, contact herbalist Mugwenu. They offer treatments for conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, and weaknesses in manhood, among others.They also address life’s challenges, including love dilemmas, family disputes, and business difficulties, enhance luck in lottery games and court proceedings, promote career advancement, and dispel malevolent spirits and dreams. Mugwenu Doctors maintain doctor-patient confidentiality; patients’ records, identities, or secrets are not disclosed to third parties or made public unless the patient chooses to give a testimony.Click here to find other spells and charms that Mugwenu Doctors have.The offices of Mugwenu doctors are situated in Majengo town, Vihiga County, in Western Kenya.Contact Mugwenu Doctors for free consultations today.• Email: [email protected]• Website: www.mugwenudoctors.com• Phone: +254740637248