Beneath the mask, the fake smiles, the judgy looks and holier-than-thou attitude, there is an animal, begging to be released, be seen, to be understood and wanting to enjoy, be care-free, be wild and be spontaneous. On the outside, we portray innocence, order and a want to be admired. The inside?? A burning sensation to …
Beneath the mask, the fake smiles, the judgy looks and holier-than-thou attitude, there is an animal, begging to be released, be seen, to be understood and wanting to enjoy, be care-free, be wild and be spontaneous. On the outside, we portray innocence, order and a want to be admired. The inside?? A burning sensation to be scandalous, to be the villain, the most wanted of them all.
Pastor Bramwel Mutumba had nowhere to hide, after a video of him in a strip club in Mtwapa, surrounded by at least four naked women, surfaced online. His initial plan backfired badly, as he chose the “Shaggy statement of distancing himself from the crime scene and saying “It wasn’t me”.
Soon, investigative journalists were quick to discern that the video is legit, that the person smiling and giggling like a monkey on Meth is actually him. His wife even confirmed that he was not home on the that particular night, adding that he has actually cheated on her four times since April.
Eventually, under pressure and under siege, he had to come out clean and admit to his numerous transgressions. “My deepest apologies, brethren. The truth is, being a man of cloth has not prevented me from removing my clothes to fornicate. I’m sorry to my wife and my kids. To be brutally honest and frank, I too have fallen victim to worldly pleasures. I cheat, do drugs, go to clubs and watch naked women dance amongst all manner of unorthodox behaviors. I have tried to quit, but I keep going back. I’m ashamed, both as a man, a husband and a pillar in society. Please put me in your prayers. This journey has been full of temptations, wild fires I can’t put out and pits covered in honey and milk. I start rehab tomorrow”
It didn’t last long. Exactly three weeks after promising change, another video of Bramwel, drunk as a duck, begging a Prostitute at Casablanca, Mombasa to “have just one shot” emerged again. Same old Bramwel!! Worse, his wife Elizabeth had to pick him at 4am at Aga Khan hospital, after a good Samaritan dropped Bramwel off as he passed out. The doctors told her of what happened. Bramwel was trying to cross the road, super drunk, loudly singing “Siku Hizi Hakuna Mahaba!!Mahaba!! Mapenzi ya Mkataba, Mpaka Kufaaaa!!!Natamani Kuwa Singooo!!!” He collapsed in the middle of the road. Had it not for the good man, someone would have run over him.
A report of a missing Kshs. 10,000 tithe from church also reached Elizabeth. She knew her husband is definitely involved. Leaving him would only make things worse. As such, Elizabeth was still the only one who cared. Most of his friends had already distanced themselves from him, fearing that his bad reputation would be contagious.
Elizabeth searched hard, for a permanent solution. Eventually, she found a page on Facebook, belonging to a traditional herbalist called Dr. Mugwenu. She wasn’t sure at first, but upon reading a few of the testimonials there, opted to give him a shot.
Unaware of her luck, Elizabeth called Dr. Mugwenu and booked an appointment. She took Bramwel with him all the way to Vihiga, for an expert analysis of his problem and hopefully a lasting solution. Dr. Mugwenu performed a Unique Spiritual Cleansing Ritual, prescribed herbs and concoctions known to deliver one of any addictions and unethical behaviors. It worked.
Within a few days, Bramwel became his old self. He stopped cheating, going clubbing and adopted a more honest, responsible behavior. Elizabeth thanked Dr. Mugwenu profusely, as she celebrated the return of her faithful husband. Thanks to Dr. Mugwenu, Bramwel changed permanently.
For further insights and consultations, call or WhatsApp Dr. Mugwenu on 0740637248.
“I advise anyone with similar problem to visit Dr. Mugwenu”
Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as obstacles, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.
“I am taking this opportunity to tell anyone on this blog having similar problem visit Dr. Mugwenu at and your problems shall be solved,”
Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate foretelling of one’s future.”