How a Black Horn Changed My Life: A Butcher’s Testimony Hello, my name is John Mutiso and I am a butcher from Makindu in Machakos County. I want to share with you my amazing story of how a black horn, possibly from a buffalo, transformed my business and my life. I have been running a …
How a Black Horn Changed My Life: A Butcher’s Testimony
Hello, my name is John Mutiso and I am a butcher from Makindu in Machakos County. I want to share with you my amazing story of how a black horn, possibly from a buffalo, transformed my business and my life.
I have been running a butchery for over ten years, but I was always struggling to make ends meet. My customers were few and far between, and I often had to sell my meat at a loss or throw it away. I tried everything to improve my situation: I changed my location, I advertised on social media, I even paid pastors to pray for me and bless my business. But nothing seemed to work.
I was about to give up and close my butchery when I met Mugwenu Doctors, a group of traditional healers who claim to have solutions for all kinds of problems. They told me that they could help me attract more customers and increase my profits. They said that they would pray for me and give me a special item that would bring me good luck and protection. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give them a chance. After all, I had nothing to lose.
They asked me to pay a small fee and then they performed some rituals on me. They gave me a black horn and told me to hang it in my butchery. They said that the horn had magical powers and that it would draw people to my business. They also warned me not to tell anyone about the horn or its purpose, or else it would lose its effect.
I followed their instructions and hung the horn in my butchery. I didn’t expect much, but to my surprise, things started to change. The very next day, I had more customers than ever before. People were lining up outside my shop, eager to buy my meat. They didn’t seem to care about the horn, or if they did, they didn’t ask me about it. They just praised the quality and taste of my meat and came back for more.
My business boomed and I started to make more money than I ever dreamed of. I was able to expand my shop, hire more workers, and buy more stock. I also improved my living standards and helped my family and community. I was happy and grateful for the horn and the Mugwenu Doctors.
I have been hanging the horn in my butchery for over a year now and it still works wonders. My customers are loyal and satisfied, and I have no competitors. I don’t need to pay pastors for prayers anymore, because I have the horn and my hard work. I believe that the horn is a gift from God and that He uses it to bless me and my business.
I want to encourage all businessmen and women to stop wasting money on pastors and other fake solutions. If you want to succeed in your business, you need to work hard and seek the help of Mugwenu Doctors. They are the real deal and they have the power to change your life. Just look at me and my black horn. It is the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for reading my testimony and may God bless you.
Business Attraction Spells And How They Work
Business spells are a form of magic that aims to improve the success and prosperity of a business. They can be used to attract customers, increase sales, enhance reputation, protect from competitors, or solve any other problem related to business. Business spells work by influencing the energy and mindset of the business owner and the people involved in the business. They can also involve invoking the assistance of spiritual forces, such as angels, ancestors, or deities, to bless and support the business.
There are different types of business spells, depending on the purpose and the method of casting. Some of the common types are:
- Attraction spells: These are spells that draw in more customers or clients to the business. They can be cast by using items that represent the business, such as a logo, a sign, a business card, or a product. The items are then charged with positive energy and placed in a visible or strategic location, such as the entrance, the window, or the counter. Alternatively, the spell can be cast by using herbs, oils, candles, or crystals that have properties of attraction, such as cinnamon, basil, rose, or citrine. The spell can also involve chanting, praying, or affirming the desired outcome.
- Protection spells: These are spells that shield the business from harm, such as theft, vandalism, lawsuits, or bad reviews. They can be cast by using items that represent protection, such as a lock, a key, a horseshoe, or a pentacle. The items are then blessed and placed in a secure or hidden location, such as the safe, the drawer, or the office. Alternatively, the spell can be cast by using herbs, oils, candles, or crystals that have properties of protection, such as sage, salt, black, or amethyst. The spell can also involve invoking the protection of a guardian angel, an ancestor, or a deity.
- Prosperity spells: These are spells that increase the income and profits of the business. They can be cast by using items that represent money, such as coins, bills, checks, or receipts. The items are then empowered and placed in a prosperous or abundant location, such as the cash register, the wallet, or the bank account. Alternatively, the spell can be cast by using herbs, oils, candles, or crystals that have properties of prosperity, such as mint, clove, green, or jade. The spell can also involve expressing gratitude, generosity, or optimism.
One example of a business spell is the one that Mugwenu Doctors helped John Mutiso from Makueni to attract customers when they gave him a horn to be hanging on his butchery door. According to their website, Mugwenu Doctors are traditional and spiritual healers who offer various services, including business spells, to their clients. They claim to have the power and knowledge to solve any problem related to love, money, health, or protection. They use herbs, oils, animal parts, and other materials to perform their rituals and spells.
According to John Mutiso, he was struggling to make sales in his butchery business, as he had few customers and many competitors. He decided to seek help from Mugwenu Doctors, who advised him to use a powerful spell that would make his business stand out and attract more customers. They charged him Kshs 5000 for the service and gave him a horn to hang on his butchery door. They told him that the horn had been enchanted with a special oil that would draw in customers like a magnet. They also told him to follow some instructions and to have faith in the spell.
John Mutiso did as he was told and hung the horn on his butchery door. To his surprise, he noticed that his business started to improve immediately. He had more customers than ever before, and they were loyal and satisfied with his products. He also noticed that his competitors started to lose customers and some even closed down. He was happy and grateful to Mugwenu Doctors for their help. He wrote a testimonial on their website, praising their work and recommending them to other business owners.
Contact Mugwenu Doctors Via:
Location: Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda & Africa
Consultation Fee: $30 or Ksh 3,000
Phone Number: +254 740 637 248
Email: [email protected]