Marriage is a sacred bond that unites two souls in love and harmony. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find their true soulmate or to keep their marriage happy and lasting. Sometimes, you may face challenges, conflicts, or doubts in your relationship that can make you feel hopeless or frustrated. If you are looking …
Marriage is a sacred bond that unites two souls in love and harmony. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find their true soulmate or to keep their marriage happy and lasting. Sometimes, you may face challenges, conflicts, or doubts in your relationship that can make you feel hopeless or frustrated. If you are looking for a way to improve your marriage or to attract the person you want to marry, then you may want to try casting some marriage spells.
Marriage spells are a type of love spells that focus on creating, enhancing, or restoring the commitment and harmony between two partners. They can help you to strengthen your bond, to resolve your issues, to increase your attraction, or to make your partner propose to you. However, before you cast any marriage spell, you should be aware of some important factors:
- You should have a clear intention and a genuine desire for your marriage. Do not cast a marriage spell to force someone to love you or to marry you against their will. This can backfire and cause more harm than good.
- You should respect the free will and the feelings of your partner. Do not cast a marriage spell to manipulate, control, or harm your partner. This can also backfire and create negative karma for you.
- You should be prepared to take action and to work on your relationship. Do not rely solely on the marriage spell to solve your problems or to make your dreams come true. You should also communicate, compromise, and cooperate with your partner.
- You should be patient and trust the process. Do not expect immediate or unrealistic results from the marriage spell. The spell may take some time to manifest, depending on your situation and the energy you put into it
Now that you know the basics of casting a marriage spell, let us look at some of the best marriage spells that really work in 2023. These spells are easy to perform and do not require any harmful or unethical ingredients. You can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.
1. The Marriage Moon Spell
This is a Wiccan marriage spell that uses the power of the full moon to draw real and committed love into your life. You will need a silver ring, a white rose, lemon verbena, a white dish, dried yarrow, and damiana.
How to cast the spell:
- Hold the ring with your left hand, stand facing the moon and look straight at the moon through the center of the ring
- Chant the following words: “Please create the bond I always desire. I will never get tired of my true love. With the witness of this full moon, please bring me a long-lasting marriage.”
- Hold up the rose on the right in a way making it cover the moon completely
- Repeat the chant
- Place the ring on the base of your rose
- Put both the ring and the flower into the dish having mixed herbs
- Repeat the chant
This spell should be performed during the full moon, when your energy is the most powerful. You should also gather all the materials one day before the ritual.
2. The Marriage Harmony Spell
This is a white magic spell that aims to add harmony and peace to your existing marriage. You will need a purple candle, a red candle, and a white candle.
How to cast the spell:
- Light the purple candle and say: “This candle represents me and my love for my partner.”
- Light the red candle and say: “This candle represents my partner and their love for me.”
- Light the white candle and say: “This candle represents our marriage and the harmony we share.”
- Place the candles in a triangle shape on a flat surface
- Focus on the flames and visualize your marriage as a happy and harmonious one
- Say: “With the power of these candles, I bless our marriage with love, peace, and joy. May we always be faithful, loyal, and supportive of each other. May we always overcome any challenges or obstacles that come our way. May we always cherish and respect each other. So mote it be.”
- Let the candles burn out completely
This spell should be performed once a week, preferably on a Friday, the day of love. You should also keep the candles in a safe place and do not use them for any other purpose.
3. The Happy Marriage Charm
This is a simple and effective charm that can help you to attract or maintain a happy marriage. You will need a small pouch, a piece of paper, a pen, a rose quartz, a pink ribbon, and some rose petals.
How to cast the spell:
- Write your name and your partner’s name on the paper
- Fold the paper and place it inside the pouch
- Add the rose quartz and the rose petals to the pouch
- Tie the pouch with the pink ribbon and make a knot
- Hold the pouch in your hands and say: “With this charm, I seal our love and happiness. May our marriage be filled with romance, passion, and harmony. May we always be faithful, loyal, and supportive of each other. May we always overcome any challenges or obstacles that come our way. May we always cherish and respect each other. So mote it be.”
- Keep the pouch in a safe and secret place, such as your bedroom or your purse
This charm should be made on a new moon, the best time for new beginnings. You should also recharge the charm every month by holding it in your hands and repeating the words.
4. The Marriage Healing Spell
This is a powerful spell that can help you to heal and restore your broken or troubled marriage. You will need a pink candle, a blue candle, a green candle, a white candle, a photo of you and your partner, a needle, and some honey.
How to cast the spell
- Light the pink candle and say: “This candle represents the love and passion in our marriage.”
- Light the blue candle and say: “This candle represents the communication and understanding in our marriage.”
- Light the green candle and say: “This candle represents the growth and prosperity in our marriage.”
- Light the white candle and say: “This candle represents the protection and healing in our marriage.”
- Place the candles in a square shape on a flat surface
- Place the photo of you and your partner in the center of the candles
- Prick your finger with the needle and let a drop of blood fall on the photo
- Say: “With this blood, I bind our marriage with love and loyalty. May we always be faithful, loyal, and supportive of each other. May we always overcome any challenges or obstacles that come our way. May we always cherish and respect each other. So mote it be.”
- Drizzle some honey over the photo and say: “With this honey, I sweeten our marriage with happiness and harmony. May our marriage be filled with romance, passion, and joy. May we always communicate and understand each other. May we always grow and prosper together. So mote it be.”
- Let the candles burn out completely
- Keep the photo in a safe and secret place, such as your bedroom or your wallet
This spell should be performed on a full moon, the best time for healing and completion. You should also be careful with the needle and the blood, and make sure to clean and disinfect the wound.
5. The Voodoo Marriage Spell
This is a very strong and effective spell that can make your partner propose to you or accept your proposal. However, you should be very careful with this spell, as it involves the use of voodoo dolls and pins. You will need two voodoo dolls (one representing you and one representing your partner), a red ribbon, a ring, and four pins1.
How to cast the spell:
- Tie the two voodoo dolls together with the red ribbon and make a knot
- Place the ring on the finger of the doll representing your partner
- Say: “With this ring, I bind you to me. You are mine and I am yours. You will love me and marry me. You will be faithful, loyal, and supportive of me. You will cherish and respect me. So mote it be.”
- Pin the dolls together with the four pins, one on the head, one on the heart, one on the stomach, and one on the genitals
- Say: “With these pins, I seal our bond. You will think of me, you will feel for me, you will desire me, you will please me. You will love me and marry me. So mote it be.”
- Keep the dolls in a safe and secret place, such as your bedroom or your closet
This spell should be performed on a Saturday, the day of Saturn, the planet of commitment and karma. You should also be very careful with the dolls and the pins, and do not let anyone see or touch them.