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A young man by the name Alex Mwangi triggered the phrase 'depression is real' as he begs his wife to come back home and start over their marriage as she had left a massive gap in his life as he wrote.On the post on his Twitter account, Mwangi wrote 'najua ni mimi nlikukosea tafadhali rudi …

A young man by the name Alex Mwangi triggered the phrase ‘depression is real’ as he begs his wife to come back home and start over their marriage as she had left a massive gap in his life as he wrote.

On the post on his Twitter account, Mwangi wrote ‘najua ni mimi nlikukosea tafadhali rudi despression inaniua. Nimekubali makosa yangu na niko tayari kubadilika. Rudi tulee mtoto wetu pamoja’ Netizens were wowed by his courage to speak out on social media about the woes he had been going through.

It is not possible for a man to open up about the difficulties he might be going through. But replying to his post, some men felt that he had demeaned himself for openly sharing what he was going through and that he would have opted other means like reaching to his wife by an intermediary.

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Mwangi was really slammed, but he seemed to have got a solution at last. From the comment section, he was offered many solutions to his problems. Numerous men advised him to marry another woman and move on as there were many women looking for husbands, but Mwangi had already set his eye on his wife.
Still in the comment section, a someone replied to him by directing him to seek help from Dr. Mugwenu and his wife would come back home within a day. ‘Naelewa unajuta kwa sababu ya makosa yako lakini jaribu doctor Mugwenu no yake ni 0740637248 na shida yako inakuwa sorted’

Mwangi got assistance as he used the same Twitter account to announce his wife was back after meeting Dr. Mugwenu.

“Depression karibu iniuwe. Lakini nashukuru jama aliyenipea number ya Dr Mugwenu hapa Twitter kwa ile post yangu. Bibi alirudi na sahi tuko na amani kabisa wadau. Kando na spells zake, Dr Mugwenu alinipa ushauri na kuniambia jinsi ya kuishi maisha mazuri bila migogoro na mke wangu,” he happily said.
Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate foretelling of one’s future.
Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

Contact herbalist Dr. Mugwenu He heals pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness etc. He also solves life problems: love issues, family concerns, hardships in business, increases your luck, i.e., winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work, clears away devilish spirits and dreams. For consultation, call: +254740637248 https://mugwenudoctors.com

