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Fresh details have emerged on what to do to get recruited for the announced additional 30000 teachers by the government. Speaking from experience, one of the teachers who has graduated to the rank of a Head Teacher identified as Margaret Kemunto has informed that, "the recruitment of teachers is faced by a lot of competition …

Fresh details have emerged on what to do to get recruited for the announced additional 30000 teachers by the government.

Speaking from experience, one of the teachers who has graduated to the rank of a Head Teacher identified as Margaret Kemunto has informed that, “the recruitment of teachers is faced by a lot of competition and if someone is unable to think of a solution to fight the competition, you end up sending a lot of application letters and you aren’t shortlisted.”

She adds “People say its bribery that works, No! It’s luck” Teacher Margaret says.

Extending that “If your star is not full of luck, then my friend, you may end up trying not only once but multiple times and end up with nothing.”

Margaret says that “It through Mugwenu Doctors who spell Luck on my application that I got employed” she recounts “Nilimtembelea Daktari Mugwneu after having tried to apply for the teaching profession for very many years without luck and amazingly one Luck spell from Dr. Mugwenu changed my life.”

“Sometimes we require somebody to deliver a luck spell in your life and Dr. Mugwenu is my best suggestion,” Margaret says calling upon Kenyans to give a try Dr. Mugwenu moreso those applying for the teaching job.

Furthermore, the native doctor helps in job promotion, interviews, love matters, marriage, protection, business, hopelessness, court cases, ailments, confusion at home, bad omen, family wrangles and cheating partners.

Mugwenu’s vast experience allows him to spin court cases and cushion homes from spiritual (majini) and physical attacks (theft), treat STIs and control severe menstrual pain. He has well curated medicine to manage Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Asthma and severe headaches.

Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few self-introspective questions in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, health among a few others.

The native medicine man reveals that he accepts offering services even to clients who cannot travel to his offices. This is part of his efforts to offer quick and reliable distance healing services to those in urgent need.

Seek appointments through their 24-hour service line. You can choose to text, call or simply drop a WhatsApp line on +254 740637248 /Email: [email protected], Website: https://mugwenudoctors.com or read more on this popular Website: https://mugwenudoctors.com/mugwenu-news.

Mugwenu Doctors exercise doctor-client confidentiality; neither client’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise client/s on their own volition wishes to give a testimony!!


