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  • Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

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I was traveling from Mombasa in December last year when the private car we were using got a puncture at somewhere around Voi. We then had to spend our night in Voi guest house until morning when we could get to repair our car. Myself I work as a clearing and forwarding agent in Mombasa …

I was traveling from Mombasa in December last year when the private car we were using got a puncture at somewhere around Voi. We then had to spend our night in Voi guest house until morning when we could get to repair our car.

Myself I work as a clearing and forwarding agent in Mombasa together with my friend whom I was travailing with to Western Kenya.

We love taking drinks and eating nyama choma anytime we have free time and so we decided to enjoy our drinks in the jam-parked Voi Guest house since it was on Saturday and patrons had attended in numbers.

As we were eating and drinking, a certain middle aged woman came by, parked her car and sat close to our table on the balcony. My friend immediately extended an olive hand to her requesting her to join us; he is such a person that loves women very much despite being married to a beautiful Digo woman from Coast.

The lady joined us and ordered a pair of Guarana drinks. Our table became much lively and by 12AM the two had already strike a deal to spend the rest of their night together. I tried to persuade my friend not to but he remained firm. At 1.30AM, they went to their room as I walked to mine.

After an hour or so, I heard some commotion in their room, opened my door and walked towards theirs. When I knocked, no one was opening. Instead, they were crying in pain but locked from inside. “Toa tafadhali toa tafadhali (remove it please),” the man answered, “wewe songa nyuma ndio ichomoke(move backwards to remove)” they were struggling to separate.

I immediately called a security guard who came and together agreed that something must have gone wrong inside there. We broke their door wide open and what we saw left us in shock; the two lovebirds had stuck together. People started milling around the room before police came to pick them. In the morning, a doctor by the name Mugwenu also arrived. I was told he is a traditional witchdoctor who makes philandering spouses get stuck. I knew he was the one who had set the trap using his powerful kamti. Wife to my friend had engaged him.

Someone also whispered to me that Mugwenu had coined a name from his ability to also solve life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems and hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

The doctor then was allowed by police pour the concoction he had carried in a small bottle around the cell room they were lying, he then forced one by one to drink a zip and in a moment they separated.

If you are cheating with someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend you don’t need to worry because Mugwenu Doctors’ concoction only works on couples who are legally married.

Cases of cheating lovers getting stuck have been rampant of late, couples who are being cheated on have resorted to witchcraft to bust their sweethearts

Cheating is almost as certain as death, people just have to cheat. And this is why witchcraft has become a very lucrative business nowadays.
Mugwenu doctors are making a killing out of cheating couples; the 60 year old witchdoctor is responsible for making adulterous couples get stuck during sex.

Mugwenu doctors (traditional witchcraft originally from Tanzania) can make cheaters get stuck. They moved to Vihiga because that is where there business flourishes – they can also operate in other places if called upon.

He says “Before I give out that kamuti, the complainant must convince me that they are legally married to the cheating partner. I do not do mpango wa kando or boyfriend/girlfriend relationships because my kamti only works on married couples who are unfaithful, Once a complainant visits, he or she writes their full names and that of the cheating partner on a paper which is folded and placed inside the kamti. The moment I snap it shut, the hunt is on, and moment the unfaithful partner has sex with his or her mpango, they get stuck.

My kamti can also make a woman to start bleeding heavily when she’s about to have sex with the Mpango wa Kando, while for a man, his penis will simply refuse to erect when he is with a mpango but rise to the occasion when he is with his wife,”.

Mugwenu uses two types of kamti, one to ‘lock’ and the other to ‘unlock’. The partner who is being cheated on pays her 48000 to make the unfaithful couple get stuck. Once stuck, it’s the cheater who pays to make Mugwenu ‘unlock’ them.

The most recent case where a cheating husband got stuck happened in Tanners Estate in Mbale Vihiga.

A 56-year-old man was found stuck with his sister-in-law at a lodge. The man’s wife Margaret sought Mugwenu’s witchcraft to bust her philandering husband.

“I live in Mbale town with my husband, We have been married for 22 years and have five children together. He has been unfaithful for the longest time I know. Last week we sold a parcel of land to buy a car we would use in business. Instead of going to Mombasa to buy the car, he took my younger sister to Nakuru to engage in sexual activities with her. I am the one paying for my sister’s education,” Margaret Nabwire was quoted by dundapost.

“This woman (Nabwire) came to me complaining that her husband was unfaithful. I told her to write her husband’s name on a piece of paper after which I used kamuti to lock him and his lover up. As evident, the kamuti has worked. I lock up philandering couple for Kes 48,000. The cost of separating a stuck couple is incurred by the victims,” Mugwenu said.

You can contact this wonderful spell casters at https://mugwenudoctors.com or call/WhatApp +254 740637248 Email: [email protected] and they will respond to your case as soon as possible.


