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Too much of smoking can be extremely dangerous as a lot of people may even contract lung related diseases and other breathing difficulties if the habit is not well maintained. To Abel (not his real name) he would not live without smoking as it had become an addiction to his life. He said the first …

Too much of smoking can be extremely dangerous as a lot of people may even contract lung related diseases and other breathing difficulties if the habit is not well maintained. To Abel (not his real name) he would not live without smoking as it had become an addiction to his life. He said the first thing in the morning even before thinking anything else, he would smoke at least three cigarettes something he says it gave him some sought of positive energy as he would be charm throughout the morning. People would always know when he had not smoked as he would tend to be such unhappy.

At this work place he would most of the times have breaks to the smoking zone something he says his boss almost fired him as he never concentrated at work. “Each time I would even sneak at the office to the office toilets just to smoke at least one cigarette something that always kept me a charm person,” he said. Due to the addiction, he would even smoke in public and many were the times he was arrested for smoking in such places. At one time he recalled lighting up his cigarette in a public transport vehicle and things never turned well.

“The funniest part of it was that I completely lost my sense of taste due to too much smoking. I would eat different kind of meals but I never enjoyed at any particular time as I never felt the taste,” he said. He tried a lot of medical attentions to try to change the situation but none was a successful as the condition never changed. After a long time of finding a solution, he came through a viral website www.mugwenudoctors.com where he read on articles of this native Dr Mugwenu who his herbs helped people solve various conditions and his was not an exception as he said. He met Dr Mugwenu who assured her that her testimonial would not be shared to news websites and feeds. He was subjected to some bitter herbs he says he had never tasted before but at that particular moment he felt they were really bitter. Dr Mugwenu casted some spells in addiction to end his long time addiction in smoking. He said since then he had never again had the feeling to smoke as he taste sense was restored.

Mugwenu doctors, for instance, say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing. They will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams. For consultations call: +254740637248 www.mugwenudooctors.com Email: [email protected]

