Kimaru(not his actual name) had been into robbery for long time now. Their gang had ten guys where they would break into people’s homes in Nairobi outskirts for a living. He says this was the only way he would feed himself and feed his family since he had a wife and one child who depended …
Kimaru(not his actual name) had been into robbery for long time now. Their gang had ten guys where they would break into people’s homes in Nairobi outskirts for a living. He says this was the only way he would feed himself and feed his family since he had a wife and one child who depended on him for food. He said their gang had three guns which they used to in the process of stealing from people which enabled them to make all their missions possible most of the times.
“Each day we would make sure that we broke into someone home and walked away with their important household items like expensive electronics which we would sell and pay ourselves back. At times we went to the extent of subjecting people to torture as I once recall how we raped a lady after we broke in to one home in Nairobi.” He said he was not ready to go hungry nor lack something to feed his family when he had that gun. He knew they were engaging in some bad vice bad due to the hard economic time they had to be stealing from people to make a living as he said.
Everyone feared them as people started knowing them especially people from the place they resided. Within no time the police started hunting them down as they would kill the group members something that really made him to be in deep fear. Five of their gang members had been brutally killed by the police and his name was placed everywhere as the police wanted him. He had to flee his family to a more secure place while he still went through with his criminal activities in the city. He said he was once shot on the leg but escaped something that terrified him.
With no time all his friends had been killed and he was the only one remaining. Since the robbery blood was still in him, he met his traditional doctor by the name Dr Mugwenu who was ready to help him be a new person through his herbal cure and spells. This was after a friend told him of this traditional doctor. Dr Mugwenu casted the spells to him which were to exorcise the robbery blood in him. He also wanted his testimonial to be kept a secret from news feeds and news websites where Dr Mugwenu promised not to share with anyone, Since the spells were casted he even returned back the gun and ventured into ‘Mitumba” business.
The traditional doctor says his spells casting power work within 24 hours. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning lottery and protection of family and property. He heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB and manhood problems among other ailments. Connect with Dr Mugwenu on +254740637248.Email [email protected] website for more testimonials about Dr Mugwenu clients.