• Kenya, Vihiga, Majengo.
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

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I was dating Denis I’d recently emerged from a 10 year marriage, and the last time I had been single at the dating, landscape was totally different. I’d moved to Nairobi and I did not know a soul, so my cousin introduced me to a dating website to help me meet people. I’m the sort …

I was dating Denis I’d recently emerged from a 10 year marriage, and the last time I had been single at the dating, landscape was totally different. I’d moved to Nairobi and I did not know a soul, so my cousin introduced me to a dating website to help me meet people. I’m the sort of person who does nothing by halves, so to really throw myself into the single scenes, I set myself a challenge: 100 dates in 100 days.

They were lovely and would give me secret thumbs-ups or down to signal whether they thought a date was going well. On my first date I did not feel nervous, apart from the creeping doubts everyone has: “Will he think I am an old toad?” I had a lovely evening, but I knew he wasn’t quite right for me, so afterwards I send him an email letting him down gently. Only 99 to go. I spent a good chunk of my day either chatting or emailing people or preparing to go out. You would not believe the number of Marks, David’s and Stephens in my generation, so I devised a chart to help me remember who was who. If one rang when I could not consult it, I would tread water conversationally until I could race back and remind myself who he was.

Once I slipped up when a waiter was describing the specials. I recommended something I had earlier that evening and was only available on that day, much to my date’s bafflement. I met some fascinating people-doctors, teachers, drivers including going to amazing places.  I never grew bored of my endless dates-if I did not feel in the mood at the start of the day, I perked up by the time I was brushing my hair: this one might be “the one”

I only went on 12 second dates and never slept with any of them. None of them made my heart leap. I was looking for true love by experimenting all this dates to assess the various men I met. The funniest thing about these dates was that sometimes I spend all the bills using my cash. The only thing I wanted is the man’s presence and that’s was all. I wanted to find someone I can live with the rest of my life and at least curb the loneliness I had for all that moment.

One weekend I decided not to go for a date. I spend my time just indoors. On a certain local TV station I saw an advertisement that if you got dating problems and love spells your problems are already solved by the Mugwenu Doctors. I keenly followed their website, www.mugwenu.com and followed various testimonials of people who had problems like mine which later were solved. The next morning I went to Mugwenu doctors’ offices ready for help. A week later after visiting the Mugwenu Doctors, someone called me. He was called Jack. We decided to meet at the restaurant to know each other more. I could not stop looking at his crinkly blue eyes. We talked until the bar shut. Three weeks later we married off. Six of my 100 dates came on my wedding day. I really thank Mugwenu Doctors for ending my love spell. Thumbs up to Mugwenu Doctors for through you I got the love of my life. They solve marriage wrangles which may lead to domestic violence at any time. The herbalists have the ability to ensure your business succeeds and you get maximum profits.  They may also help you win court cases hence justice will prevail on your side. For consultations call +254740637248/E-mail [email protected] or visit www.mugwenudoctors.com for more.

