At time never underestimate the power of your dream if you put extra effort in making it happen. My name is Beverlyne from Nairobi. I was a baby sitter in our estate work that I really enjoyed. A lot of people trusted me with their kids. I would do the job in my single room. …
At time never underestimate the power of your dream if you put extra effort in making it happen. My name is Beverlyne from Nairobi. I was a baby sitter in our estate work that I really enjoyed. A lot of people trusted me with their kids. I would do the job in my single room. It was really a difficult task keeping in mind small kids needed someone with hurt to take care of them. I would get close to 15 kids per day to take care of as their parents went into their daily job activities.
Each parent would bring ksh 200 each day so in total I would have ksh 3000 per day. It a good amount but the work was really tiring as it had a lot of challenges most of the times. I kept of doing since I had no other option left in my life. I had studies early childhood development in campus and so I was one day wishing to have my own private school at least as a source of employment but the hard times in our economy at some point won’t even allow.
People really loved my job as I well took care of their children most of the times. There were no complains from their parents. other than my daily pay some parents were even impressed with my job and went to the point of even giving me extra money as a way of saying thanks. Just as I was streaming some information on the internet I came through Dr Mugwenu testimonial articles. I became interested in them and went to the point of even reading them twice. People had really testified their journey to successful business just coming from humble beginnings. This was really a chance maybe to change my life.
After some three weeks I met Dr Mugwenu who I shared what I did in life and really I wanted to have my own school. He casted his business spells to me and assured things would just work out as time went by. Two weeks after coming from Dr Mugwenu, I got some sponsors who really loved my baby sitting job. They constructed a small academy school where I was to be the director of its operations since they were not living in Kenya. This was really the break through after meeting Dr Mugwenu that I needed in my life. After sometimes the school had developed to atop school and one of the best performing in the entire Nairobi County.
Dr Mugwenu business spells works within 24 hours. He interrogates you and find what you want in your business which helps him know what really you might be lacking in the business field. Make much profit using Dr Mugwenu business spells and be the best in your business sector. Do not take risks which might cost you a lot as Dr Mugwenu is your true business progress solution. Connect with him on-+254740637248. Website- Email: [email protected]