Pornographic content can really impact your life. Many are the times when my it’s negative impacts outweigh the positive impacts. My name is Mosoi from Nairobi. Currently I’m a student in the University of Nairobi and pornographic content had really taken part of my life. My lap top and phone had many pornographic movies and …
Pornographic content can really impact your life. Many are the times when my it’s negative impacts outweigh the positive impacts. My name is Mosoi from Nairobi. Currently I’m a student in the University of Nairobi and pornographic content had really taken part of my life. My lap top and phone had many pornographic movies and short videos which I used to watch just for my mind satisfaction. A day would not end without watching these porn videos. I had really become an addict in porn world.
\Most of the times I lived a lonely life and more of my friends suspected there was something fishy about my behavior. With time I realized this habit had really interfered with my studies on a large hand. My academic performance was really dropping as days went by. I had there before tried to stop this habit of watching porn related content but I was not able just to stop once. At times I would spend a lot of money just to ensure I had the porn films either from the internet or purchasing from movie shops. The anxiety I got from porn videos was on another level as times I even imagined I was the actor.
Each time I saw a beautiful lady I made comparison with the one I saw on pornographic films. Time was really running and my mind was really distorted by the porn content. At times I used to miss classes just because I wanted to watch a new downloaded porn video. This addiction really made me to be a sex addict as each time I would call my girlfriend just for my sexual desire. It really ruined my academic part of life since I had a lot of fails in my transcripts. Through the website I found help for these herbalists had the ability to stop my addiction. I visited their offices where I was analyzed and later attended to. I went back to class and that was the end of my long time sex addiction. I was now able to concentrate again on my academic part of life something that I was not able to do there before. I deleted all the porn videos and contents I had for it was a beginning of a new life courtesy of Dr Mugwenu.
Dr Mugwenu works just like any other medical doctors. He treats various diseases like syphilis, leukemia and epilepsy just within three days. Solving life challenges like having luck in life is not a big deal to Dr Mugwenu since the many years on the knowledge of herbal medication has given him enough exposure to ensure people live to their potential at any given time. He is the best herbal doctor in the whole of the East African region and hence do not be limited with your geographical location for he also does phone call healing. For consultations call +254740637248/E-mail [email protected] or visit for more.