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I lived in Mombasa County where I was brought in a rich family. I lacked nothing as both of my parents worked in the County government hence provided for my needs. I was the only girl and child in our family. I was really hard working in school and so I really prospered in education. …

I lived in Mombasa County where I was brought in a rich family. I lacked nothing as both of my parents worked in the County government hence provided for my needs. I was the only girl and child in our family. I was really hard working in school and so I really prospered in education. I finished my secondary education and I got a call up to join the University of Nairobi in 2017. Life in the institution was good and really I enjoyed being there. I wanted to accomplish my dream of becoming a hotel manger hence I was pursuing a bachelor degree in hotel management.

As time went by I started losing interest in education where I found myself engaging in parties in the city. No single weekend I was found in my room. Time went and I found myself to be engaging in prostitution. Money from this activity really lured me to a guru in prostitution. I later deferred my education and became a prostitute. My parents back at home knew I was still a student but this was not right since I had started engaging in prostitution. After a month in prostitution I realized I had been affected with gornohoea and syphilis. My life in prostitution started changing from there. I wanted to quit the business but it was too late since it really had good money.

As time went by, I could no more go on with the business. When I started thinking about my academic life it really hurt me since my parents had really paid the entire fee but I had seized education and joined prostitution.  What really hurt me is that I had been now been infected with this two sexual transmitted diseases.  Mercy who was a student leader at the institution happened to want to know my well about and hence she found me in the street corridors in prostitution act. I informed her that I had been infected with sexual transmitted diseases and I was not ready to get back to learning. She told me she was to take me to Mugwenu doctors for they would treat my STIs plus my life would change.

After two days she took me to Mugwenu doctors’ offices where I was attended. Three days after I went back in Nairobi I went for a medical check-up and I really did not have the two STIs. Since that time I went back to learning. I finally graduated till today I am an ambassador who ties to help young ambitious ladies who have engaged in prostitution to have a second thought. Mugwenu doctors’ area really reliable people in this society hence anyone who has the same problem should just visit them. Mugwenu doctors also solve daily life problems such as marriage wrangles, witchcraft related activities among other things that may seem to be ruining your life. They also treat various diseases like cancer; high blood pressure among others just in a span of three days for their work has been proved to be the best in the East Africa region by many. Do not hesitate to call them when in need. For consultations call +254740637248/E-mail [email protected] or visit www.mugwenudoctors.com for more.

