My name is Irene and three months ago, I invited my niece over to my place after I gave birth to help me recover as I had just given birth to my first-born daughter. My niece had just completed her university studies and I knew she would greatly help me before I fully recuperated. She …
My name is Irene and three months ago, I invited my niece over to my place after I gave birth to help me recover as I had just given birth to my first-born daughter.
My niece had just completed her university studies and I knew she would greatly help me before I fully recuperated. She was a good, young woman and very obedient and within days of her coming to my house, I was already loving every moment I had with her.
My husband also bonded with my niece since they would go shopping together when I was still weak. I have to admit she was quite helpful but, I later came to regret bringing her to my house because after a few weeks I started noticing a change in her behaviour.
She would talk rudely to me, refuse to help with the domestic work and even wear very revealing clothes. I tried talking to her but nothing I did bring forth a change. I contemplated throwing her out of my house but since she was family, I decided to be patient with her.
Things went from worse to worst when one evening, when my husband’s phone was charging, I took it to check something only to find naked pictures of my niece on his phone. I thought I was dreaming but on checking further, they were more than 100 pictures of my niece in my husband’s phone and this made me to almost get a stroke.
I could not believe that my husband and niece were having the time of their lives inside my house and under my nose. I could not! It is one thing to be betrayed, but it is another to be betrayed by close friends and family. I closed myself in the bedroom and just cried out in pain due to their cheating.
I did not even know how to confront them because they were the last people I ever expected to betray me. I called my mother and told her what I had found on my husband’s phone and that my niece was sleeping with my husband.
My mother was shocked beyond words and she told me to visit Doctor Mugwenu who had the perfect remedy for cheating couples. She sent me his number and I called him. I told him of what had transpired in my house and he asked me to relax and see him the following morning. All this time, I acted normal with my husband and niece since I knew Daktari would help me deal with them.
I met him and he cast a spell that would lock my husband and my niece together once they had sex. He asked me not to worry since his spells would teach them an unforgettable lesson. I went home that evening and immediately went to sleep since I was feeling tired.
Two hours into my sleep, I was awoken by screams from my sitting room and I jumped out of bed to check what was going on. I found my husband and niece, naked and stuck at their genitals while having sex. I was enraged, to say the least.
They were also very scared when they saw me, they started crying especially my husband who said he was sorry. They were in so much pain since he could not get out of her. I let them stay in the agony for close to an hour and they were later unlocked by Doctor Mugwenu.
I kicked my niece out of my house and after some few days, I decided to forgive my husband since I still loved him so much.
I advise anyone with a similar problem to visit Dr. Mugwenu. Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.
Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, and usually within the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.
Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.
Contact herbalist Dr. Mugwenu. He heals pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things.
The doctor also solves life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.
For consultation call: +254 740637248 Read more: