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SPELL TO WIN BACK AN EX LOVE Spell to win back an Ex love Are you still in love with your ex and desire to get him or her back eagerly? Well, at times we just break up in the fit of a rage without realizing the consequence only to end up regretting the whole …

Spell to win back an Ex love
Are you still in love with your ex and desire to get him or her back eagerly? Well, at times we just break up in the fit of a rage without realizing the consequence only to end up regretting the whole thing latter. Is it the same thing with you? Have you still not been able to get over your ex lover and now ready to turn every stone possible to reunite with that special person? Not to worry as there are spells to win back an ex love.
One of them is love lemon spell. To do the spell, you will require one fresh lemon, a ribbon or red yarn and a pink paper. Write your & the ex’s name on the paper. Open up a lemon slice- make sure to cut it in half evenly. Fold the pink paper in a way that the names touch one another and put a lemon slice in between.


Then, tie it up with the ribbon or red yarn. While doing the entire activity, you should go visualizing your reunion with your ex & that both of you are so happy together. Finally, put the entire thing into your freezer. You will get back your ex within 30 days.
There is another love spells to get back your ex fast and you have to cast it either on full moon or waxing moon. For the spell, you would need- 2 white candles, 1 smiling picture of yours, a solo picture or drawing of your ex, blue fabric & chamomile teabag. Choose a peaceful and secluded location. Cast a circle & light your candles. Make sure to get yourself in a composed & calm state. Relax yourself, hold your ex’s picture in left hand & that of yours in the right.


Then, begin visualizing both of you are getting reunited and how ecstatic you are! Think of all the love & sweet moments of togetherness. With romance in your eyes, look at both the pictures. Hold on to it for 5-10 minutes and then you will recite your chant. After you are done with the chanting, utter the ex’s name thrice & put his or her picture down and place your picture over it, followed by the chamomile bag & wrap everything with the blue fabric. Continue the same ritual daily for 3 weeks at 8 at night.

A very powerful spell to get back your ex is Midsummer Rose Spell and it has to be performed on June 19th, on Midsummer’s eve. To do the spell you would need five red roses, tree which is hosting bird’s nest, naturally flowing water such as a stream, a church & crossroads. It’s wiser to select the location beforehand so that you don’t have to waste time on the Midsummer’s eve.


Now, reach the place at night on the designated eve with your roses. Bury one of them under the tree, the other one near church-gate- the 3rd and 4th would be buried near the stream & crossroads respectively.


Take the 5th one back home & place it under your pillow. You have to sleep with the rose there for three nights in a row. On the 4th night, you will pluck out petals & place them at those 4 locations- your ex would be back to you in no time.
Email Dr mugwenu at [email protected]
Website – https://mugwenudoctors.com
Telephone +254740637248



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