OBSESSION SPELLS, POWERFUL MAGIC SPELLS FOR OBSESSION +254740637248 Obsession spells One of the most powerful love spells, the obsession spells are being in practice for centuries. When we deeply feel for somebody, it’s natural that we would love them to stay with us forever. But the modern society is usually defined by fleeting feeling and …
Obsession spells
One of the most powerful love spells, the obsession spells are being in practice for centuries. When we deeply feel for somebody, it’s natural that we would love them to stay with us forever. But the modern society is usually defined by fleeting feeling and this is where obsession spells come in. However, it’s to mention that obsession does not imply just the ardent feeling about a person- in fact, it could also be about a strong zeal towards a certain passion such as adventure, music and so on.
The most popular obsession spells are surely the ones about binding your crush or lover to you forever. One such spell involves cotton and red candle. Added to these two, you would need a jar, brown paper, and red pen. Write down your name & that of your crush’s on the brown paper. Place it inside your jar & surround the brown paper with the cotton patch. Then, use rest of the cotton to fill up your jar completely. It should be a small jar. Next, you will tighten up the jar & place it under the bed.
Then, light up your candle & start meditating on your crush till the candle burns out on its own. However, you should never open up the jar or take it out from under your bed as otherwise the spell would be broken.
Another obsession spell would assure that your lover or crush is in head over heels in love with you- or to put it simply, mad in love with you. To do the spell, you would need spring water, orange juice, pink candle, rose water and nutmeg oranges. First of all, you would need to blend up all the ingredients for a delicious drink. Don’t go overboard with the nutmeg. Then, place the candle beside the drink/potion and light it up.
Next, you will chant the spell. It would be something like a prayer to Goddess Aphrodite where you will request Her to lock yourself in his heart forever. After that, pour the potion in two glasses and drink it with your crush. As you finish up the glasses, keep them down and look deeply into one another’s eyes. Your lover would soon ask your hand for marriage. This magic is based on the Wiccan 3 Fold Law which means that if the spell is successful you cannot go back.
Do the obsession spells work? Well, it’s to stress here that power of obsession spells depend much on the very strength of spell caster. You can say, it’s some advanced kind of spell and hence demands a seasoned spell caster. If you are still at the beginner level, you can consult a professional spell caster to perform the ritual for you.
Once again, your concentration and focus go a long way in deciding how well the spell would work for your life. So, even if you are beginner, you can hope for success with the obsession spell if you have a strong faith in it and perform the magic with absolute dedication.
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