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ENERGY SPELLS, MAGIC SPELLS +254740637248   Energy spells Energy is what that steers the world. It’s a powerful force which is the core reason for the existence of life and everything we do. This way, there are both positive and negative energies. To lead a happy healthy life, we have to surround ourselves with positive …


Energy spells
Energy is what that steers the world. It’s a powerful force which is the core reason for the existence of life and everything we do. This way, there are both positive and negative energies. To lead a happy healthy life, we have to surround ourselves with positive energy as much as possible and kick away all the negative forces. Energy spells are an awesome thing here as they are meant to boost up the level of positive energy around us to guard us from the evils. These are a type of force spells.

You have a versatile array of energy spells to choose from. A very popular spell here is meant to draw a good dose of positive energy towards you. To do the spell you would need 1 little magnet, 1 flame-proof dish, 1 candle, paper and pen. Make a circle & light your candle. Then, sit before it and start to breathe deeply. Next, write your wish on the paper & wrap it around your magnet.


Push good energy force into both and while doing that visualize the entire thing glowing bright in positive light. Then, you will start chanting spell. It would be something like a prayer to make the magnet pull in positive energy towards you. As you chant the spell, imagine good positive things happening in your life. Next, you will separate the paper from magnet & burn it with the candle flame & place it in flame-proof dish. Close the circle and you should always carry that magnet with you.
Then, you have another energy spell that would enable you to banish all the negative forces around you and bring in the positive light to your life. To do the spell, you would need non-spell candles, 1 jar, black candle, carving tool, matches, dragon’s blood incense and darkness. Light up non-spell candles & set them aside. You have to practice the ritual in a dark room. Light the dragon’s blood incense.


Take your black in both hands and pray that all the negative emotions, pain and bad thoughts get into that wax. Then, carve some inspirations words into that candle. Put it in your jar. Get one matchstick in one hand & think about positivity & hope and also make yourself visualize losing grip on negativities in life. Then, light the black candle with the same match stick. Smudge some incense on your body.


Focus on the candle & as you see wax melting, imagine all your negativities melting away. You must not put out the candle just like that and wait till it burns out considerably. Then, blow out your non-spell candles & switch on the lights. Store the black candle (inside the jar) in a safe place where it won’t be touched by anybody.
It’s to note here that you have to be really particular with the energy spells. These spells are very powerful and if you are wrong with the ingredients or rituals or casting, the spells can backfire creating a reverse effect.
Email Dr mugwenu at [email protected]
Website – https://mugwenudoctors.com
Telephone: +254740637248



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