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ATTRACTION SPELLS +254740637248 Attraction Spells When we are deeply charmed by somebody it’s a natural desire to have that person covet us in the same fervor. But at times, we are too shy to convey our feelings or fail to get noticed by that person. Are you too passionate about somebody? It could be someone …


Attraction Spells
When we are deeply charmed by somebody it’s a natural desire to have that person covet us in the same fervor. But at times, we are too shy to convey our feelings or fail to get noticed by that person. Are you too passionate about somebody? It could be someone you met in the college for the first time or somebody in your office. You might be trying hard to enchant that person but have not succeeded yet. Well, in that case, the attraction spells could be a lifesaver for you. As the name says, these spells will help you to make yourself more attractive to that person so that he or she eventually falls for you.
If you want a stronger spell, go for magnetic attraction spell. To do this you would need- 1 magnetic lodestone, vanilla oil, rose oil and red thread. Hold the magnetic stone firmly in hand & rub it with the oils mentioned. Visualize that the stone is gradually pulling energy to you and bringing your crush to your life. Then, tie up the magnet with red thread as a pendant and wear it around the neck. You can also carry the stone in pocket but the necklace part assures a stronger result. Now, go ahead and mingle with that special person and you will gradually see him or her getting drawn to you.
One of the most popular attraction spells is Influence spell. To do this, you would need- 1 licorice, rosemary (3 tablespoons), baby oil (8 teaspoons), honey (9 tablespoons), jar with lid and an image or something personal of your crush. Place the picture into your jar. Then, put licorice in it and sprinkle rosemary. Next, pour in baby oil followed by honey. Close the lid & chant the attraction spell. After you are done with the casting, keep the jar somewhere safe where nobody else would find it. After the person has been influenced, you can throw the jar away.
If you want a simpler spell, you can go for “heart of the matter” attraction spell. To do this, you would require, one pink carnation (full bloom), 1 little rose quartz, 1 tiny pink slip and a pencil or pen. Place the carnation in your flower vase full with water. Write down the special person’s name on the pink slip & fold it tight. Then, tuck the quartz and the pink slip firmly into the carnation petals and chant the attraction spell. The spell would be something like a prayer where you request to put your thought into the mind of your crush, so deep, that you never part ever.


As you chant the spell, visualize the person getting drawn towards you. After you are done with the chanting, leave the whole arrangement as it is till the flower dries up. Then you will bury the carnation & save the stone and paper somewhere safe.
However, remember, attraction spells are a serious business and if not cast properly can mean a completely adverse effect. So, you have to be really proper with the chant and the ingredients.
Email Dr mugwenu at [email protected]
Website – https://mugwenudoctors.com
Telephone +254740637248

