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How to Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim The Destruction Ritual Spell is one of the many higher level quests available in Skyrim that will further expand your character’s skill set. In the Destruction Ritual Spell, you will be able to learn a master magic spell called the Firestorm, which unleashes a blow of …

How to Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim

The Destruction Ritual Spell is one of the many higher level quests available in Skyrim that will further expand your character’s skill set. In the Destruction Ritual Spell, you will be able to learn a master magic spell called the Firestorm, which unleashes a blow of fire around your character, damaging everything around. This quest is rather simple to complete compared to the main storyline objectives since it’s only an optional quest.


  1. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 1

    1. Have your “Destruction” skill reach level 90. You can easily do this by continuously casting destruction-type magic spells like fireballs, frosts, lightning bolts, and more. Reaching level 90 Destruction Skill will definitely take time, so have patience.

    • You can check the level of your Destruction by pausing the game and opening the In Game Menu. Select “Skills” from the four options, and you should see the level of your Destruction Skill here, among with other skills of your character.
  2. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 2
    2. Go to Winterhold. The College of Winterhold is located on the northeastern corner of the map. Take the road just outside the city of Windhelm that leads north and it will take you straight to Winterhold.
  3. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 3

    3.Talk to Faralda. From the main courtyard of the College of Winterhold, head right along the wall and you’ll find the Hall of Countenance. Enter this building and inside you’ll find a female mage named Faralda.

    • Talk to Faralda and select “What else is there to be learned about Destruction magic?” from the list of available responses. She will then give you book with a single page that you’ll need to take to somewhere north of Skyrim (this marks the start of “Destruction Ritual Spell” quest).
  4. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 4
    4. Go to Windward Ruins. From Winterhold, take the road leading westward to the city of Dawnstar. Once you’re in Dawnstar, take the road southwards and you should come across the Windward Ruins.
  5. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 5
    5. Place the book on the pedestal. In the ruins you’ll see a pedestal, just approach it and place the book Faralda gave you on it.
  6. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 6

    6. Cast a fire-damage spell (like Fireball) on the pedestal. The second objective will appear on the screen.

    • Take the book before exiting the area.
  7. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 7
    7. Go to North Skybound Watch. Travel to the Throat of the World (south of Whiterun), and from there, go down the mountain path southward. You’ll come across a semi-circle stone building. This is the North Skybound Watch.
  8. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 8
    8. Place the book on the pedestal. Once you enter the Watch, you’ll see another pedestal, just place the book on it.
  9. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 9

    9. Cast a frost-damage spell at the pedestal. This will trigger the third objective of the quest.

    • Take the book before exiting the area.
  10. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 10
    10. Go to Four Skull Lookout. From Markarth, take the open road heading eastward and continue along the path until you cross a river. Keep walking a few more miles after the river and you should find Four Skull Lookout—a building that looks just like North Skybound Watch in step 5.
  11. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 11
    11. Place the book on the pedestal. Enter the Lookout, and you’ll see another pedestal. Place the book on it.
  12. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 12
    12. Cast a shock-damage spell (Spark, Lightning Bolt, etc.). Some changes will happen to the book.
  13. Image titled Do the Destruction Ritual Spell in Skyrim Step 13
    13. Take the book and read it. After casting the last spell, approach the pedestal and read the book. It will now teach you the Firestorm spell.



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