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How to Do a Wiccan Meditation Wicca is a modern religion, based on ancient Witchcraft traditions.[1] The rituals of Drawing Down the Moon and Invoking the Goddess are similar to a mediation, but you can deepen your Wicca practice and promote oneness with the divine with a daily meditation practice designed to increase your clarity and …

How to Do a Wiccan Meditation

Wicca is a modern religion, based on ancient Witchcraft traditions.[1] The rituals of Drawing Down the Moon and Invoking the Goddess are similar to a mediation, but you can deepen your Wicca practice and promote oneness with the divine with a daily meditation practice designed to increase your clarity and serenity.


  1. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 1

    Condition your mind to enter a deep meditative state. Meditation devices such as candles, incense and chanting can help you enter into a relaxed meditative state. You can listen to a chanting CD or you can chant the name of your favorite Goddess or God. Keep the lights turned low or turn them off.
  2. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 2

    Choose a place for meditation that resonates with you. If you practice Celtic Wicca, you’ll probably want to practice your mediation outdoors. Your preference for the sights, smells and sounds of nature will enhance your meditation. Many Wiccans prefer to mediate at their altars, especially if the weather is inclement. The important thing is to choose a place to meditate that makes you feel naturally relaxed. If you mediate indoors, make sure the room is quiet and that you will not be interrupted.
  3. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 3

    Find a comfortable position. It doesn’t matter if you are seated or lying down or walking, as long as you are relaxed and comfortable. Your goal is to be receptive and alert, so don’t get so comfortable that you fall asleep.
  4. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 4

    Decide on which type of mediation you will do. Passive meditation is the art of allowing images to arise in your mind and concentrating on those images or symbols. Active meditation involves you selecting the image or symbol you want to concentrate on; you can do this with your eyes open or closed. Whether you allow a symbol to come to you, or if you choose the symbol, give the image you have chosen your total concentration. Subjects to meditate upon include:

    • Pentacle/pentagram
    • Magic/magick
    • God/Goddess
    • Color(s)
    • Number(s)
    • Tree, flower or plants
    • Gems (crystal, amethyst, sapphire, etc. )
  5. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 5

    Close your eyes. Focus on your breath for a few minutes. Observe yourself breathing. When your breathing is calm and steady, take your awareness to your feet and move your focus all the way up your body. Release any tension you feel anywhere in your body. You can also stop and focus on tension and ask why the tension is there.
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    Visualize positive energy filling your being. Breathe in and picture white light entering your feet all the way to the top of your head. Exhale and release the white light, allowing it to enclose you in your magical space.
  7. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 7

    Allow thoughts to surface if you are practicing passive meditation. If a thought or image intrigues you, begin concentrating on it, otherwise, let it go and allow the next thought to surface. (If your thoughts start to ramble, return to the focus on your breathing and start over.) If you have chosen to do active meditation, close your eyes and mentally focus on the symbol or image you have chosen. If you prefer, you can keep your eyes open and concentrate on your chosen symbol. Give it your total and examine every aspect of it.
  8. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 8

    Keep a notebook and pen nearby. You may want to jot down ideas or sketch images that come to you during your meditation. Once you have done so, return to your meditative state.
  9. Image titled Do a Wiccan Meditaton Step 9

    End your session by offering thanks. Try to think of at least 10 things you are thankful for; your list can range from minor pleasures (I’m thankful for my neighbor’s help yesterday) to major issues (I’m thankful I have enough food to eat.)



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