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Achieving prosperity in a sales job can be difficult. Much of your success depends on factors beyond your control. People often look to spell work to improve their business and attract new customers. There are a myriad of products and rituals available to assist you in your pursuit of better business. Spells to Increase Business …

Achieving prosperity in a sales job can be difficult. Much of your success depends on factors beyond your control. People often look to spell work to improve their business and attract new customers. There are a myriad of products and rituals available to assist you in your pursuit of better business.

Spells to Increase Business
When looking to boost your sales, it is important to start by cleansing your work space. Negative energy can block customers from entering your store or prevent people from wanting to do business with you. Creating an inviting atmosphere for your clientele is extremely important.

A great way to attract customers is by performing a washing ritual. Prepare a tea by steeping Bladderwrack, Yellow Dock Root or Golden Seal Root with hot water. Let the mixture cool. Strain the liquid. Mop the floors and wash the windows with the tea, making sure to focus your intention on banishing negative energy and welcoming prosperity. Sprinkle any remaining liquid in the doorway of your business to draw clients to you.

When everything has dried completely, sprinkle Marjoram leaves in each room of your business to prevent evil forces from re-entering the space. Irish Moss can also be placed under a rug or in your pockets to increase foot traffic and keep money flowing into your place of business.

Once your surroundings are cleansed, find a private space to set up your altar. Spread a green handkerchief on the altar and sprinkle it with Finance Sachet Powder. Fill a Smudge Pot with Cedar Chips and Business & Finance Incense. Write your business goals on the back of an M-8 Schemhamphoras Seal and cover it with a Better Business Custom Big Al Candle. Place a Saint Pancracio medal next to the candle.

While concentrating on your goals, light the incense and candle. As the flame builds and the aroma of the incense fills the air around you, repeat the following incantation:

Success is coming soon to me,
Prosperity is flowing unto me,
So mote it be

Sit in silence for a while, visualizing your financial success. Imagine money flowing easily to you, leading to the growth of your business. Immerse yourself in the feeling, holding onto the happy image as long as possible. When you feel a shift in energy, blow out the candle. Afterwards, in moments of stress or worry, try to return to the contentment you felt during the ritual. Re-light the candle and incense, slow your breathing and calm your mind.

Using Ritual Oils to Energize Your Business
Magical oils are excellent tools to incorporate in your spell work. They have long been an integral part of hoodoo root work. Their uses are many and their value is undeniable.

One way to utilize the powers of ritual oils is to diffuse them. Place a few drops of Mistletoe Oil or Finance Oil in the oil cup of a Soapstone Oil Diffuser. Light a tealight candle and put it beneath the oil. The pleasant aroma will quickly begin to drift through your store or work space, spreading positivity and prosperity around you.

Fill a green mojo bag with Goldstone Tumbled Stones. Add an M18 Seal of Fortune, some Cedar Chips and a Lucky Elephant bracelet to the bag. Put one of your business cards in the bag as well. Dress the bag with Better Business Oil. Carry the bag in your pocket or purse or place it in your business’s cash register to improve your sales success.

Oils can also be worn on the body or used to anoint candles. Success Oil is an excellent oil to use when you are trying to garner more business. Dab a few drops of the oil behind your ears and on your wrists. When using oils in conjunction with candle magic, sprinkle a few drops on the top of the candle before lighting it. Wealthy Way oil is commonly used in conjunction with a 7 Day Money Drawing Candle.

There is no limit to the success you can achieve if you maintain a positive, hard-working attitude. Incorporating spell work into your business plan can strengthen your chances of prosperity and help to sustain your achievements.



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