• Kenya, Vihiga, Majengo.
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

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Trust me, when it comes to relationships, size matters. Don’t let people tell you otherwise because you’ll have been duped. I had a friend of mine who used to tell me how he was getting laid every single day. Like literally. For me, the story was too good to be true because I knew he …

Trust me, when it comes to relationships, size matters. Don’t let people tell you otherwise because you’ll have been duped.

I had a friend of mine who used to tell me how he was getting laid every single day. Like literally. For me, the story was too good to be true because I knew he was a shy dude. I compare him to myself. Besides my good looks, I’m strangely intimidated by super cute ladies out there.

One evening when we were driving around Westlands when he opened up to me about his latest catch. It was a politician’s daughter. She must have been high maintenance from the sorry look on his face.

“Man, I can’t even afford to pay her dinner. She always says it’s fine, she’ll take care of the bill,” he quipped.

I told him that it didn’t matter, as long as all was good. He didn’t have to break a bank to impress a “princess”. After a few arguments here and there, trying to convince him on the matter, he dropped yet another bombshell.

“Most of the girls I try to date drop me because of my manhood”, he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Are you dating girls and feeling like a boy?”, I continued.

“You’re man enough! Stop saying such things to yourself” I advised him further.

“I don’t know what to do bro!” he replied. “I’m dealing with a small one. I wish I was a little bit larger. Even an inch would be great!”

Immediately, I understood his predicament. I felt sorry for him. He has a small one.

“I don’t want to let this one go. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted,” he revealed.

It seemed all gross to have this kind of conversation with a dude. However, since he was a close friend, I decided to help.

Recalling a meeting I had with an amazing schoolmate from primary a couple months back, there was a male enhancement formula which once had my attention. It was a similar case – small penis and lost hope in relationships.

Somehow, this was sorted by contacting Mugwenu Doctors. The result was a healthy relationship and marriage to his longtime crush.

“This doctor is so resourceful. He doesn’t jump right into the treatment; he first does psychological evaluation tests to get to the root of the problem,” he revealed.

When I told Robert about it, he didn’t hesitate. He visited the Mugwenu Doctors website, got their contact and dialled them. The next week, he booked an appointment with Doctor Mugwenu himself.

After what seemed to have been a miracle, he took his new girlfriend out and later made love to her. To confirm if worked, I cheekily asked Vera how good my best friend is good in bed.

“Damn, I’ve never had good sex like this in my life. Damn, I am obsessed. In fact, I was at his place last evening. I just woke up this morning and I feel like going to his place already,” she laughed over the phone.

I knew I had helped my right hand man sort out his worst fear, with the help of Mugwenu Doctors.

Just who are these people?

Mugwenu Doctors are the Best Traditional African Herbalists from Tanzania, and the Spiritual Healers, who not only deliver to their promises but even heal the unhealed diseases and solve all solutions. With the exceptional working Knowledge, Mugwenu Doctors turn your problems to permanent solutions.

They are much better than most of those random herbalists you see advertising on the fences around your area.

They possess skills in metaphysical healing, psychic skills, divining and foretelling through ancestors and forefathers, within the traditional and native setting.

Among other stuff that they deal with includes love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, i.e. winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work, clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

You don’t even need much but just a call and get your problems solved.

Talk of:

  • Love Problems
  • Business Problems
  • Witchcraft
  • Marriage Problems
  • Financial Problems
  • Education
  • Work Related Problems
  • Drug Problems
  • Luck Charm Ring For Casino
  • Pass Job Interviews
  • Enemies
  • Penis enlargement
  • Family Curses
  • Nightmares
  • Barrenness
  • and a lot more

For consultation call: +254 740 637 248

Website: https://mugwenudoctors.com/

Money Spells

You need that financial freedom in your life, right? Money spell by Mugwenu Doctors is all you need.

This powerful money spell allows you to change the direction of your financial future to better yourself and loved ones. Actually, you need not to worry about finding money hard, because it will always be coming to your side!

Why struggle while Mugwenu Doctors can help you get all you need to pay your bills, sort your daily expenses and even have enough to share with your people.

Marriage/ Love Spells

If you have any relationship problems, the doctors with the best experience to solve your problems are at Mugwenu Doctors just for you. They’ve got your potential solution, using unique methods and remedies, like ”spiritual motivational medicines”, to resolve misunderstandings and shortcomings to ensure that both partners come to a mutual understanding without losing each other at the detriment of all memories that had been built or shared together.

Many couples have rated Mugwenu Doctors to be the most specialized trusted spiritual, and international herbalist healers on the African continent.

Business Spells

It’s true that businesses can never be equal and some outlets manage to even have customers make a queue for the same service offered at the next door. Why not make your business have a flowing traffic all day?

Start increasing more customers to your business or shop by using African magical spells and spiritual methods that safe-guard your business from ill fortune and give you a prospective edge against your competitors in your market space.

Magic Rings

This is the oldest powerful mystic ring organized by great magicians from the early (150-800BC) and it was made to be for the pharaohs, prophets, goddess of Egypt it has got powers from the Angels of the 7th planet.

The following are what this ring can do or has;

Magic Ring With Secret Powers For Good Luck
Magic wallet Of Fortune For Wealth And Riches
Children’s Magic Ring For Success
Magic bungle For Career Success
Blessing Magic necklace For Peace
Magic ear ring Or Pendant For Witchcraft Voodoo Juju And Black Magic Protection

It can give success in love, success in business, make you attractive to people, protects home and away, makes you to see miracles when least expected, protect you from unexpected dangers like accidents, attacks, enemies, stray bullets, get promotions in any field you want, remember answers and pass exams, win lotteries, casino, horses, and power ball.

It will move in you and into your blood think with and work with if you have it.

More spells

We make use of our strong herbal remedies to assist in alleviating the human condition and problems, In difficult life experiences, body, mind and health issues such as: chest pains, diabetes, loss of appetite, allergies, short breath, stomach pains, high blood pressure, acne, skin diseases of any kind, back pains, snake bites, high fever, and mental disorders.

  • Witchcraft spells
  • Permanent strong erection
  • Helping barren women
  • Binding lovers together
  • Preventing your partner from cheating on you
  • Making your partner love you alone
  • Get a divorce settlement quickly from your ex-partner
  • Making your partner satisfy you in bed
  • Removal of bad luck
  • Making children listen to you and follow your instructions
  • Children that want to be granted their wish by their parents/guardians are also helped.
  • Helping students pass their exams/interviews
  • Helping those seeking employment
  • Helping soccer and other sports players to excel
  • Selling the magic stick and short boys that you can use in getting richer day by day.
  • Unfinished jobs by other doctors (if not satisfied, go to Mugwenu Doctors)
  • Court cases

Do you…
  • Need to recover your lost property?
  • Want promotion at work and better pay?
  • Want to pass exams/interviews?
  • Want to communicate with your dead ones?
  • Want to be protected from bad spirits nightmares?

Are you an herbalist who wants to get more powers?
Why you can’t keep money or lovers?
Why your health conditions are always ill?
Why you have a lot of enemies?
Why you are fired regularly on jobs?


Broken bones, lost memory, chest pains, heartache, headache, high fever, piles, leprosy, teeth ache, neck pains, back pains, poisons, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, diarrhea, cancer, lung infections, strong cough, meningitis, allergies, pimples, lost appetite, eye ache, small pox, ringworm, leukemia, snake bites, birth pains, stomach pains, gonorrhea, syphilis, dysentery, shaking palsy, paralysis, epilepsy, short breathe, skin infections, cholera.

FOR MEN: Penis enlargement, Low sex libido, Erection problems
FOR WOMEN: Vaginal Tightening, Gain warmth in your Vagina, Help take away bad smell and drops, Hips and booty enlargement.

More Solutions with Traditional Herbs
  • Got charms/spell to take away bad luck & give good luck in life.
  • Fixing broken relationships, marriages
  • Treating pregnancy problems
  • Fight evil/ witchcraft/ ghost/bad spell/Curses /Nightmares & cleans homes.
  • Bring back lost lover/families/ Friends/ wealth/ properties.
  • Makes court cases/divorces/bad debts to disappear.
  • Herbs for losing weight.
  • Solve financial and domestic difficulties.
  • Has a spell charm to bring back stolen goods.
  • Has got a sale quick potions to boost customers in business.
  • Make you gain promotions at work place.
  • Make your admired partner to be yours.
  • Herbs to make long live with HIV-AIDS even to be cured.
  • Make you have lot of children.
  • Has a spell/charms that can make you have a good job.
  • Stop someone to interfere in your love relationship/family.
  • Has mixtures of herbs for sexual weakness.


